ebook Lithium Batteries 2024

Copyright © www.batteriestransport.org 60 2.1.3_II LITHIUM METAL CELLS PACKED WITH EQUIPMENT (including lithium alloy cells) Small cells excepted UN 3091 Applies to: Lithium metal cells packed with equipment with a lithium metal content not exceeding 1 g/cell UN No., Proper Shipping Name UN 3091, LITHIUM METAL BATTERIES PACKED WITH EQUIPMENT Class 9 Small excepted Packing Group Not assigned Hazard Label Not required Prerequisite • Cells must meet the General Requirements of § 1.3 in particular the test re ir ments Transport mode ADR IMDG IATA Passenger Aircraft Cargo Exemption conditions SP 188 SP 188 PI 969 section II Cells must be protected against short circuit. This includes protection against contact with conductive materials within the same packaging that could lead to a short circuit. Equipment and packed cells must be packed in strong outer packagings Packaging Not required approved packaging Use strong outer packaging, it must be capable of withstanding a 1.2 m drop test in any orientation without damage to cells contained therein, without shifting of the contents so as to allow cell to cell contact and without release of contents Two possible solution, lithium metal cells must: • be placed in inner packagings that completely enclose the cell, then placed in a strong outer packaging; or • be placed in inner packagings that completely enclose the cell, then placed with equipment in a strong outer packaging The equipment must be secured against movement within the outer packaging. Quantity limit of cells/package No limit No limit the minimum number required to power the equipment plus 2 spares. Weight limit per package No limit No limit 5 kg Net 5 kg Net Marking and Labelling of Packages Minimum dimensions: 100 × 100 mm Where the packages are of dimensions such that they can only bear smaller labels the label dimensions may be reduced to 100 mm × 70 mm Overpack OVERPACK + same labels as above OVERPACK + same labels as above OVERPACK + same labels as above OVERPACK + same labels as above Provision: see § 1.9.4 Documents Transport document is not required MDGF is not required Shipper’s declaration is not required; The words “Lithium metal batte ies in compliance with Section II of PI 969” must be included in “Nature and Quantity of Goods” box of the air waybill. Instructions to personnel Any person preparing or offering cells for transport must receive adequate instruction on these requirements commensurate with their responsibilities.